Category Archives: blog

Sundorne School Shrewsbury

Another school visit and this week. I met the pupils at Sundorne School.  I was greeted by the librarian, Ella Reynolds, who made me very welcome, and met pupils in Year 7 and 9.  They worked really well in the creative writing workshop and came up with some great ideas for story lines including time travel, zombie monkeys, crystals and robots, just for starters!  Thank you to everyone at Sundorne. I enjoyed working with you and I hope you enjoy the books!

The Week, 24th January, 2016

Hello and welcome to the week, this week I am going to talk about the US presidential race, seeing as this will take the main stage for the next year, and our lack of proper winter here, and the heavy snow fall in New York, it’s definitely a time to look longingly across the pond!.

So from the off I think I think I will talk about the democrats this week, a nicer start as the republicans are such a bag of noisy cats, it’s going to take to time to figure out what they are actually on about. So will this be Hillary’s year? Continue reading The Week, 24th January, 2016

The Week #32 29th November, 2015

Hello!  My recent school tour has caused me to reflect further on how youtubers affect school children.

Old media is asking why is Youtube so popular, what gives? Why do millions and millions like to watch someone else play games or talk about stuff?  To explore that I will start off by sharing with you my own likes and dislikes to do with YouTube and Continue reading The Week #32 29th November, 2015

The Week – Do you need an agent? – Today I thought I would chat about the value, or not, of having an agent.

As someone who didn’t have one but has had some interest and even rejected a few agents I think I’m in a good position to speak on the subject, I think the best way to answer this is to put you in the seat of three different types of authors. Number one; someone who is just doing it as a bit of fun or as a legacy, so you written something silly or a bio on yourself but you don’t think it’s going to sell, you just feel that you have something out there, something to say you have been on this planet, to leave your mark. Does this person need an agent? Continue reading The Week – Do you need an agent? – Today I thought I would chat about the value, or not, of having an agent.

The Crisis. finale

Regular readers may recall I discussed the concept of national identity last week. It is a big topic in the UK but in my view I don’t think we have one anymore which means this Middle England elite issue has bled down to working classes, meaning we’re all just one massive ball of materialistic folk that go shopping to the same big stores, to buy the same clothes, to drink the same latte or frappuccino, to buy expensive things to show people we don’t know how much better we are than them and a ‘what’s in it for me’ culture. This lack of identity has cumulated in a strong lean towards racism and xenophobia, fuelled as I said by a lot of the press.  That is why resolving the refugee problem is such a huge political bomb for the UK –the recent years of anti-immigration and UKIP surge contrasts with the need to be now seen as a nation that is humane and cares for others. Why is this a conflict – well, as I see it, when people’s lives are not turning out as they hoped we in the west rush to blame others and need to find a group to push our hates and jealousy onto – often the problem is fundamentally because of our own lack of ability or work ethic but many turn to making immigrants the easy punch bag to blame ‘taking our job’s –

Continue reading The Crisis. finale

The crisis…. part two

And so the big question is what can we do?  I finished on that point yesterday and will start off there today with the reality that in countries far away from the blockades and running police battles there is little desire by the majority of people and their governments to take refugees. This is especially the case in the U.K. where the government is keen to appeal to the far right vote by reducing net immigration. Each of the main European countries has approached this problem in their unique ways as I have pointed out;

Continue reading The crisis…. part two

How to sell your book #how to

And finally – you have got your killer content out there, you’ve got your book uploaded, you’ve got stuff on your site to promoted it, you have got good visuals and let’s say you’re picking up a few hundred, maybe even a few thousand, a week – great, that’s brilliant but now you’ve got to maintain that. You can’t just drop off and this is where you get to the stage that writing starts to become your job, even if it is still isn’t earning you enough money to live comfortably on. This is the point where I am now and I feel it is the most difficult because you haven’t got enough money to make a proper living from it but you feel like you are on the precipice and taking that leap into the void and this is where my advice starts to dilute as I’ve not crossed into that yet. I feel, I’m hoping, that in the coming week I can tell you guys what it’s like, how I’m doing and try and help more of you catch the golden goose but at the moment I’m only on the threshold – I need you all really to push me through.
Continue reading How to sell your book #how to