The Week #13 15th February, 2015

Hello again and welcome to The Week, a little weekly write up about issues that have taken place last week, sprinkled with an opinion on events from me, because without opinions we are not much better than cattle. So, welcome. This week I’ve been reading about the tax dodging and the huge mudslinging from benefits to billionaires – so saddle up for a jog down to view where all the money is going.
As an average citizen of the United Kingdom, I am fairly versed in the unfairness and social stratification that so besets our great nation. Continue reading The Week #13 15th February, 2015

Tech Tuesday # 7  10th February, 2015

Hello, this Tuesday I thought I would talk about the new Samsung TV, some of you may have read or seen things about this new TV that may be listening to your conversations for the purpose of marketing.

Is it an invasion of personal space, of our liberties? Quite possibly, it is up to you to decide. Some may say they have nothing to hide and it doesn’t matter, some of you maybe a little troubled, but in fact this is not a new thing. Continue reading Tech Tuesday # 7  10th February, 2015

The week #12 8th February, 2015

Hello everyone to ‘The Week!’. For new readers this is a segment where I write about things that have taken my fancy this week, usually news based but sometimes not depending on what my opinions are of said topic, and what’s on my mind when I sit down to write this. So, this week I thought I would stay away from Ukraine, as I’ve already talked about that situation a fair amount (for those interested, have a look at some of the old weeks in the top bar of the site) instead I will be focusing on isis once more. There is a definite theme that I’ve noticed with the news skipping between Syria Central Africa and Ukraine, with all three regions gripped in troublesome wars, so what isis up to now!

Continue reading The week #12 8th February, 2015

Tech Tuesday #6 3rd February, 2015

Right well then there are really two things to talk about this week, as I see it, snapchat and developer/ game players. So let’s jump in to a bit of tech, I do use that term loosely – again I live on a hill so slowest internet ever!) Snapchat the app – that is mainly used to sent people intimate images. Come on; let’s not kid around here – that’s what it is used for. People say to me ”Oh, I only use it to see my friends stupid faces” are lying. Then Snapchat decided to get rid of the best friends feature on it – that sneak little feature that apparently most modern relationships are built on.

Continue reading Tech Tuesday #6 3rd February, 2015